We are a working farm. If you would like to stop by, call us at (828) 678-1404 to arrange a time for your visit .

Why We Love Honey

At Bunny and the Bee Farm, we are obsessed with honey. We’ve developed this obsession through years of working with bees, interacting with a great community of beekeepers, and learning more about the benefits and uses of honey. Honey is a unique product of nature and hard work. Bees work tirelessly collecting nectar from surrounding blooms, break it down into simpler sugars, store the nectar in hives, and thicken the nectar into honey. The entire process takes over 45 days, and requires a lot of teamwork, time, and energy.

You might be wondering why I am writing about the process of making honey in this blog, and it is simply because we want to convey the appreciation we have developed for bees and the intense work they put in to make such a wonderful product. The processes that manufacturing honey requires instills it with many beneficial qualities and health benefits. This includes unlimited shelf life, healing properties, preservation, antioxidants, and so much more.

Health Benefits of Honey

To go into a little more detail about those health benefits, firstly we want to focus on the earliest uses of honey to improve wellbeing. One lesser-known fact is that honey has been used for wound care for hundreds of years. Science has found that it is most effective for healing partial burns and wounds that have become infected after surgery. According to Healthline’s Savannah Shoemaker, “Researchers theorize that honey’s healing powers come from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects

In addition to wound care, The Mayo Clinic asserts that “honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent.” They also surmise that the antioxidants in honey could possibly be linked to reduced cardiovascular disease, might help with gastrointestinal disease, neurological disease, and has been proven to act as a cough suppressant. Local honey has also been proven to greatly reduce the effects of allergens on our immune systems.

Sharing Our Love Of Bees and Honey

We think it is absolutely amazing that something that takes so much work could have so many benefits for our health. After spending years buying honey for the ones we loved, with the intent to share these benefits (and the great taste), we decided to start making our own. What began as a hobby and way to engage with neighbors who did the same; soon became a full-scale obsession with building and sustaining healthy colonies, improving the overall health of our friends and farm, and teaching others about the wonders of keeping bees. 
We take great pride in teaching people who visit Bunny and the Bee, and our community more about bees because they are such a fundamental and important part of the world we live in. Bees are vital to the health of our ecosystem in addition to the health of our bodies. According to Charlotte Varela at WoodlandTrust.orgBees pollinate our wild trees and wild flowers, which then support other insects, which then support birds, bats, mammals and everything up the food chain with food and shelter.” The importance of bees in our ecosystems as pollinators and the good they bring to the world motivates us to teach everyone we can about them.

To learn more about our bees, our farm, or us, please DM us on Instagram (@bunnyandthebee.farm) or Text/Call (828) 678-1404


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